Full Sail
Tech Toolbox: In the Classroom
Tips on transitioning technology introduced during remote learning to the in-person classroom.
Now, more than halfway through another year of unprecedented transitions in education, many classrooms have returned to in-person learning or a hybrid model. During the prolonged period of remote learning, students, educators, and administrators were introduced to new tech and digital assets, many of which shouldn’t be left behind in the return to physical spaces.
Keeping your in-person classroom as tech-friendly as a digital one will help students ease back into traditional school while allowing educators to continue to utilize tools that enhance the learning experience. Some tools worth keeping around include:
Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace - If utilized in the classroom, these cloud-based services allow students to easily submit their work, check for errors, and work collaboratively more seamlessly.
Canvas - Classroom hubs created on Canvas can still be utilized as they create ease of accessibility, particularly in a hybrid school model, helping to keep students on track for days they aren’t in a physical classroom.
Digital Assignments - The inclusion of tech allows students to take their work to new and exciting places. Keeping digital assignments in your lesson planning allows students to utilize video, photo, and other digital assets for their assignments, encouraging creativity and increasing retention.
Finding the balance between analog and digital in your classroom will help students thrive in a time where adaptability has become the hallmark of the education experience. For more tools and resources on keeping tech in the classroom, check out the links below.
Tech Centric, But Not Remote: Teaching in the Classroom
Effective Uses of Technology in Elementary School
The 8 Most Interesting EdTech Trends of 2021
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