Full Sail
What to Expect: Student Life at Full Sail
Enrolling in college is an exciting time. There's a lot to think about and plan for, and at Full Sail, we do things a little differently than most. Have questions about what to expect? This guide is here to help.
Full Sail Courses
Learning at Full Sail is fast and focused.
Our semester structure is developed to get you ready for the real world — especially the fast-paced nature of the entertainment industry. That means you'll earn more credit hours per month and graduate quicker. Full Sail campus bachelor's degree programs are 20 months long, and master’s degrees are 12 months long. (about half the time of a traditional degree).
Because your course load and class time will be full-time, campus students may attend classes and labs five to six days a week. With this heavier and faster-paced course load, it's not advisable to try and work a full-time job while attending Full Sail on campus.
Courses are built in order.
Full Sail degree programs have a set schedule of courses that all students take in the same order. This helps students build on foundational knowledge and refine skills as they progress. (It also means you don't have to worry about registering for the right class or missing one you need because of limited availability.)
Both undergraduate and graduate programs are designed around project-based learning. As students move through the curriculum, they build a portfolio of projects that demonstrate their learning and skills.
Equipment and Supplies
Hands-on. Always.
Our classes are not just theoretical. You won't just be reading manuals about how to handle the equipment for your industry. You'll literally take your education into your own hands. Students will be on set, behind the console, holding the camera, 3D-printing, designing, coding, or lighting the stage.
We're preparing you for your industry by using industry-standard tools, skills, and expectations you need to hit the ground running.
Project LaunchBox: Everything you need.
Everything students need to get started is included with tuition. Project LaunchBox™ includes a laptop equipped with powerful media creation software and tools specific to your degree program. It allows students to learn and create from anywhere -- no extra expenses for books and supplies.
Life on Campus
Explore an environment made for hands-on learning.
Our campus is built for the real world with recording studios, game studios, live venues, boardrooms, and film sets. It's the place to realize your dream with the tools used in real industry production environments.
Get help finding a place and a roommate.
While Full Sail does not offer on-campus housing, there are plenty of options within walking or biking distance to campus. Our Housing Resources department maintains a housing guide with information about nearby, student-friendly housing. They can also offer assistance with finding a roommate through Full Sail's roommate list.
Faculty and Staff
Learn from a community of professionals.
Instructors at Full Sail are experienced professionals who stay actively involved in their professions. They're business leaders, filmmakers, producers, tech pros, game developers, and designers who know their industry and the real-world skills you need to succeed in it.
Education that evolves with the industry.
Full Sail partners with active professionals in each industry to serve as program advisors. They help inform courses and degree programs regularly by sharing their expert insights from the field keeping Full Sail in tune with current technological advances, hiring needs, and the constant evolution of the entertainment industry.
Events and Opportunities
Get involved in a creative community.
When we come together, we don't do anything small. Our events include formal networking and career fairs, lectures and livestreams, and big, blowout celebrations. Throughout the year, students have opportunities to meet industry leaders and alumni, attend workshops and panels, and celebrate what makes our school unique.
Find your people.
Full Sail is a community of people united by a desire to learn through creating. Our classes are built for collaboration and building meaningful connections for the future of your career. Do what you love surrounded by other people pursuing their dream in classes, clubs, and student groups.
Ready to check it out? Book a tour.
Whether you’re ready to apply or just want to learn more about Full Sail University, our Admissions Representatives are here to help. Call us or request more information.